What We Watched In 2020- and Why It Matters To Netflix

What lessons did 2020 teach us? Putting aside the need to wash our hands a little more often, newly released Netflix data gives a fantastic insight into what’s been popular in this weird year. As we all know, what is popular is what will be reordered, so this is of great insight for those hoping to see their own works hit the popular streamer in 2021. BLAKE & WANG P.A takes a look.


Possibly the most surprising boom market was in foreign-language dramas, with Germany’s Barbarians and Spanish The Platform both performing excellently. Likewise, romance-focused titles and boisterous action would hold our rapt attention as a balm and succor for the difficulties 2020 brought. Other top performers would be sad movies, movies explaining the experiences of BIPOC people, and, of course, seasonal fare at year-end. Perhaps that’s not unpredictable- with Netflix viewership opening up to many more demographics, and people seeking a ‘home-away-from-home’ from their social isolation, any smart trend-spotter could have probably nailed those.


They make an amusing offset, however, to the biggest unseen star of 2020- baking shows! Possibly the result of the ‘banana bread’ challenge that circulated social media, or possibly the cause of it, the earliest parts of the pandemic saw baking shows hit an unprecedented boom. With Nailed It! and, of course, the oddly competitive, oddly soothing The Great British Bakeoff, we saw a 50% rise in demand for shows focused on baking. While it would tail off as we got deeper into the pandemic, it’s certainly a fun look at unique social demographics thrust on us by the lockdown.


Netflix will, of course, be using this data to help formulate their 2021 lineups and focus. If you have a great pitch that needs to be seen by network eyes, why not get in touch with the Entertainment Attorney team at BLAKE & WANG P.A, and make sure you are at the front of the queue?