Entries from 2023-01-01 to 1 year

Disney Strategically Pulls Streaming Titles

Has any year except the pandemic-ridden 2020 brought such disruption to the market as 2023? As the streaming platforms that once saw near-unlimited growth through the pandemic closures are now forced to fight for profit and subscription nu…

Fire TV Launches FAST Amazon Channels

One of the most interesting announcements from the Amazon NewFront presentation last week was the launch of Fire TV Channels, designed as a hub for their FAST, or free, ad-supported TV, channels. Our resident entertainment lawyer, Brandon …

Sony Takes an Income Hit Without Franchise Releases

As Sony releases its results for the full fiscal year ending March 2023, one thing is clear- its bottom line has been significantly dented by the lack of a major tentpole release from its franchise IPs over the last year. Entertainment att…

LA’s Shoot Days Down as Writer’s Strike Looms

While LA has been able to hold onto its top spot among shooting destinations overall, we’ve seen a Quarter 1 fall-off in shoot days. This goes both against last year’s benchmarks as well as the five-year average for the area. Most industry…

HBO Max Rebrands

Hot on the heels of their announcement that they will not be merging their two streaming platforms as initially planned, we are now seeing a refreshed and rebranded HBO Max hit the airways, with a relaunch date of May 23rd. Brandon Blake, …

Amazon Creates MGM+ International with Lionsgate Content

Despite the withdrawal of Lionsgate+ from international markets, Amazon will be capitalizing on the gap it has left with the relaunch of MGM streaming services for the European market- Lionsgate content included. Blake & Wang P.A’s Brandon…

Disney Shelves Metaverse Unit

We’ve certainly entered the era of mass layoffs for the entertainment industry, with even the House of Mouse looking to jettison 7,000 employees in their latest round of cost reduction. While there’s been considerable roll-back of much of …

Cocaine Bear Slips as the Whale Surfaces

For a rather silly movie that wasn’t expected to do as well as it has, Cocaine Bear has had a fabulous run. Still holding strong at the No 5. Spot in cinemas, and having recently crossed the $50M benchmark, it would typically have also lau…

The AI vs Copyright Question Sees an Interesting Development

With the boom in interest in AI technology, it was inevitable we would see matters of copyright and creation begin to rear their heads, too. It’s long been clear that machine-generated works do not qualify for copyright protection- however…

Disney Ponders Hulu as Deadline Looms

Does Disney want Hulu? Does it need Hulu? In a tricky economic environment, the fate of this small, but the somewhat compelling, streaming platform remains up in the air as both Disney and Comcast play their cards very close to their chest…

Ant-Man May Have Quantum On Its Side, but Mania is Lacking

We’ve seen many records set for the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the last few years- but this likely isn’t one anyone wanted. Theoretically, Ant-Man managed to win the Box Office this weekend, taking home $32.2M, but it’s hard not to set t…

Subscriber Gains, But Overall Loss, For Warner Bros Discovery

As the Q4 results continue to roll in, we see newly-merged entity Warner Bros Discovery finally tap 96M subscribers, with earnings of $11B, but a posted loss of $2.1B. While it was to be expected in its first year post-merger, what do thes…

Roku Stock Surges Despite Losses

Despite ballooning operating losses, Roku saw a significant upswing in its after-hours trading last week as subscriber gains and better-than-anticipated revenue boosts. Brandon Blake, our entertainment attorney on the ground from Blake & W…

Digging Deeper into the Disney+ Subscriber Loss

Usually a 2.4M subscriber loss would be headline news. With the concurrent announcement of (another) major restructure at Disney, however, this one has slid under the radar a little. Entertainment attorney Brandon Blake, at Blake & Wang P.…

Peacock Axes Free Tier

On the heels of a really messy balance sheet, with over $2.5B lost in 2022, and with up to a further $3B expected in losses for 2023, it seems Peacock is finally trying to stabilize the ship. New subscribers will no longer have the option …

Peacock Tops 20 Million Subscribers- But at Financial Cost

Peacock has finally topped 20 million paying subscribers to the ‘little streaming service that could’. However, this announcement comes to pad the bad news- their financials show a nearly $1B loss in Q4, and NBCUniversal warns that’s not t…

IMAX Expands Its Japanese Market

IMAX is going bullish on the Japanese market- and likely with good reason. Hollywood blockbusters have been increasing their share of this key Asian market’s Box Office over the last few years, with a heavy skewing to the IMAX format. Addi…

Netflix Swoops in on Paramount’s Abandoned Upfronts Spot

Just last week our entertainment attorney and industry expert, Brandon Blake of Blake & Wang P.A, broke the news that Paramount will be skipping out on its long-term spot at the Upfronts. While the dust was still settling on that shocking …

More Nielsen Changes Incoming

Industry insiders have been awaiting the launch of the promised Nielsen One Ads service for a while now- and now we have an official launch date for the service. As part of the ongoing innovations to how Nielsen collects and orders data in…

Avatar Surges, but the Wider Box Office Swoons

Avatar: The Way of Water may have had a rockier opening than anticipated, but even after passing a global $1B, there’s no sign of its Box Office momentum slowing down. Sadly, however, that’s one of the few highlights to a lackluster Decemb…